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Heatwork HW-1800 sulatusvaunu ja Steamrator höyrynkehitin

Sulatusvaunun avulla rakennus- ja saneeraustöitä voidaan jatkaa tehokkaasti myös talvella.

  • Roudan, jään ja lumen sulatus
  • Perustusten, maakasojen ja viemäröintien sulatus
  • Täyttöjen, valujen ja materiaalien pakkassuojaus
  • Betonin kovetus ja esilämmitys
  • Sähköntuotto
  • Ilmanvaihto, lämmitys ja jäähdytys


Lataa Heat work ja Höyrytys – esite

Lisätietoa palvelusta

Jari Angeria

Regional Manager

Heikki Lämsä


Heidi Kauppila


Jukka Toivanen


Jorma Malinen

Regional Manager

Janne Takkinen

Regional Manager

Ari Toivanen

Chief executive officer

Get to know our references


Puolakkavaaran ilmajohto ja maakaapelointi

Vuosi: 2024
Customer: Rovakairan Verkonrakennus Oy
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Mine Services

Kolmisopen säännöstelypato

Vuosi: 2024
Customer: Terrafame Oy
Read more

Järvilinja 1, 400+110kV, Fingrid

Kesto: 2024-
Tilaaja: Omexom
Read more


Vuosi: 2024
Tilaaja: Napapiirin Vesi Oy
Read more

Cable systems

We have experience in construction of underground cable systems, overhead lines and lines over waters. We constantly develop our equipment and method to respond our customers needs in cable projects. With expertise gained during several years and hundreds of kilometres we've built, we can respond to the needs of our customers no matter the challenge.



Wide-ranging civil works know-how is one of the most important foundation of our services. The introduction of new technology guarantee good result for the customers. We update our equipment and educate our personnel in order to respond to customers needs. Different kinds of infrastructure projects, water and sewer systems, district heating lines and street renovations belong to our services.


Factory Services

We work around the year in challenged targets in large-scale industries in Kemi, Oulu, Sotkamo and Rovaniemi. We serve manufacturing companies in several tasks that support processes, around the clock.


Transport and lifts

Our transport services move around with heavy trucks, skids and tankers. We respond to mining industries transport needs with articulated dump trucks and high capacity mining trucks. Part of our trucks are equipped with cranes varying between 22-35 tm.


Mine Services

We provide mining support services such as mine tunnel equipping, maintenance, road maintenance and material hauling. We take care of the receiving and dismantling of incoming materials and we transport building materials from projects warehouses to the tunnel. We provide and maintenance infrastructure in mines and in opencast mines, so the proper mine action is possible.


Other services

Our another services are for example Heat Work and steaming services. We want to respond to our customers constantly changing needs and we are ready to develop our service selections in pursuance of that.
Feel free to send your proposal for collaboration to us!

Veljekset Toivanen Oy